The Freecycle Network™ is made up of 4,870 groups with 6,868,000 members across the globe. It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by a local volunteer (them's good people).
Basically, the way that it works is that rather then throwing something away into a landfill, members post the item on a Yahoo group message board. Interested people send an anonymous email to the donor saying they would like the item. The donor leaves the item outside their house and the interested party picks the item up! Items offered on the FREECYCLE board include everything from coupons to tools to clothes to furniture to plants.
A few items I have taken from other FREECYCLERS include a Barbie doll house, Little Tykes Workbench and LEGO set, just to name a few. We have also participated by giving appreciative FREECYCLERS various items such as a changing table and jumperoo.
Please FREECYCLE if you can.
That special feeling.
- I have changed more than my share of diapers - probably more then the average dad and maybe even more than average for a father of triplets. Smelly diapers, wet diapers, disgustingly wet and dirty diapers and diaper changes which require a clothing change.
- I have sat next to a crib for more than hour (at all hours of the night and morning) in hopes that Allie (or Anna or Emily) will fall back asleep.
- I have dozed off briefly from exhaustion while feeding a bottle to one of my daughters.
- I have experienced the panic that only a parent can experience when, out in public, I lost sight of one of my girls for the briefest of moments.
- I have cried tears of joy to myself when I thought of how far Sarah and I have come from those days when the girls were still in Sarah’s womb. When Sarah was pregnant we had a simple wish “please just let these girls be delivered alive and healthy”. I now watch in amazement as they walk, talk and run through our lives.
- I have been witness to one of my naked daughters emptying her bladder onto the carpet.
- I have also walked on the edge of insanity at times - maybe when one of my daughters refuses to listen or cannot tell me why she is crying.
- I have experienced joy which I never felt before when Anna (or Emily or Allie) holds a smile to me which is bright enough to melt my heart.
This is just a very small sample of my experiences as a father to triplet girls. The other night, however my daughter Allie really got me good.
Sarah and I have a somewhat perfected system for bath night when Grammy is not present. The routine consists of bathing the girls one at a time – Emily first, then Allie and then Anna last. (There is a reason for that order, but I’ll save that for another post.) Sarah takes Emily directly to the bathroom with her while I contain Anna and Allie in the girls’ bedroom. Yes, “contain”. As Sarah finishes up with each of the girls, she walks them into the bedroom and we trade an unbathed girl for a bathed girl. As Allie is being bathed, I dry Emily and dress her while keeping trying to keep Anna out of trouble. This process continues until all three are dried off, dressed and their hair is combed.
Last night, I had Allie on her back on the floor, partially wrapped in one of her new Barbie bath towels. Anna was in the tub being bathed by Sarah and Emily was being her crazy self - being silly and bothering Allie while I was drying her off. As I'm positioning Allie's diaper under her bum and trying to keep Emily at bay, I feel a little wet and don't think anything of it - it must be from Allie's damp bath towel or Allie's hair. Then the "liquid" feels like a stream and I say to myself "where is that water coming from?" I moved Allie's towel aside to secure her diaper only to see (and feel) pee streaming into the air and onto me!!! She was peeing like a fountain and the fountain basin was me!
Fortunately I happen to have water resistant running clothes on and her pee wasn't the toxic yellow color it can sometimes be. In the hundreds of diaper changes I have done, being peed upon was a first!
Apparently when Sarah asked Allie about the incident, Allie mentioned having "that special feeling" (think Elmo Goes Potty DVD).
Can we do it again!?
We knew they loved it because right when the ride ended Allie said "Can we do it again!?" And yes, that was Anna attempting to stand up during the ride!
Highlights from Christmas Morning.
Storytime with three.
With three girls under the age of 3, bedtime at our house can take over an hour. Putting on jammies, brushing teeth, runs to the "potty", hugs, reading and telling stories all add up to a fair amount time and energy (Mommy's, Daddy's and Grammy's energy, of course).
No matter how drained or grumpy we are though, we always find time to read to our girls before they get tucked in. And, just like Olivia, we always negotiate with our girls on the number of books we will read to them. The compromise is 3 books.
This video isn't the greatest caption of the level of animation our girls have shown during story time, but I do think the video does help capture some of their personalities. Enjoy and apologies for the unsteady camera!
Six weeks and then back to it.
I'm only taking one class again next semester. I love it when people ask how many classes I am taking and they respond with a look that says "what, only one class?" And I come back with a response Sarah and I used to use quite a bit: "Have triplets and come back and talk to me then". Ha ha! That always gets a look.
Anyway, just babbling here. Not that anyone is waiting with baited breath for a blog post from me, but I do have some pretty cute video of my cuties to post! Stay tuned. Or at least stay awake.
The conversation.
Me: How did the doctor's appointment go?
The pregnant woman: Good, I guess.
Me: No? Everything OK?
I should note that the woman had had several bad colds during her pregnancy and her body wasn't exactly handling the extra weight well. I had joked with her saying "are you sure there is only one baby in there?"
Her: Fine, it's just that the doctor mentioned the fluid level was a little low.
Me: Really? (Thinking to myself NO. Please no.)
Her: Yes. They also asked me if I've been feeling the baby move.
I don't say anything at this point, but my mind is racing a mile a minute. Her doctor used the words kick count. I am relieved at the idea that women in their third trimester are being told about kick counts. I am also selfishly pissed because maybe, just maybe, if kick counts and amniotic fluid were more closely monitored and discussed Abbey would be sleeping in her bed now and not dead.
Me (trying not to appear panicked or overly concerned): Well, when do you usually feel her kick/move? You've felt the baby move today, right?
Her: Oh, yes - I felt her this morning and she's been moving here and there. It's just one more thing for me to worry about, you know?
I'm now thinking to myself "Oh, I know" and "it is the ONE thing to worry about".
I am very happy to say that this woman gave birth to a healthy baby girl earlier this week.
Sarah and I obviously don't view pregnancies or childbirth the same way we did before our first daughter was born still. And each time I talk to someone who is expecting, especially in circumstances like the one above, I go back and forth between "maybe I should say something - maybe I should share our story" to "I don't want to scare her". So....I remain silent.
I do not utter a word.
I stop.
Time stops.
My stomach aches.
My heart is hollow.
The person keeps talking and I hear nothing.
I only think of what might have been.
My soul cries for Abbey.
Multiples weekend.
Sarah and I are curious as to see how the girls react while in the company of so many twins, and triplets (maybe even some quads). Our girls' reactions will be especially interesting since they spent a few hours playing with identical 18 month old girls on Friday. I find it interesting to see how multiples interact with other multiples, in general. Either way, I'm hoping this afternoon's party provides some fun for the girls - in addition to an opportunity to burn off some energy!
You'll always have the memories.
You see - I have twelve brothers and sisters - yes, my mother and father raised thirteen children! There was no reality television series on the G family. No book. We were not part of any television commercials. My mother wasn't even interviewed by the local newspaper. We just lived our lives - we formed memories, one day at a time. Camping in New Hampshire. Trips to the Cape in the summer. Weekends at a family "cottage". Christmas morning. Birthdays, which always included a cake made by "Ma" (my mother). Memories. My dad working a second job so that he could take us on vacations. Ma taking us to see The Enchanted Village at Jordan Marsh in Boston. My mom's homemade mac n' cheese on Friday nights. Watching Walt Disney on Sunday nights in our pajamas. Memories.
The meaning of those words has become clear as Sarah and I start to form memorable experiences with our daughters Allie, Anna and Emily. Amidst the sometimes tiring, sometimes frustrating, sometimes crazy life of raising our daughters, Sarah and I can at least attempt to create lasting memories for them. That's one small thing we can do. Because, unlike toys, clothes, and other "things", memories live on.
I think the most important thing my wife Sarah's blog accomplishes is that the blog seals the memories away for our family. Visiting The Enchanted Village last weekend (see Sarah's post about our trip) sparked the idea for this blog post. I am grateful to have had a childhood filled with such great memories. I pray that Sarah and I are able to pass the gift of memories along to our girls. Every child deserves that much.
Another day with my girls.
Emily with the Little People
Allie with The Little People
Later, while I was in an adjacent room, I peaked in and heard Anna saying "Ahldie (Allie) and me are blowing out the candles" It's a Doug & Melissa Birthday Cake with candles:
Mid-morning we made our way to the local grocery store. Having done this solo a couple of times now, it is a bit easier. The girls look forward to sitting in the "car" and "driving" the shopping cart. The girls also know that when Daddy takes them for a ride, they will get doughnuts. Today was no exception. Before we began shopping, I stopped at the Dunkin Donuts counter inside the grocery store. "Ten glazed munchkins, please." The girls got 3 each and I ate the remaining donut hole (as I've heard them referred to as). The girls were very well behaved and we received the usual comments from strangers - all complimentary, of course!
The girls were a bit wound up when we got home as witnessed by Emily's trick to get onto the pack n' play: I'm not sure what happened at nap, but Anna and Em were pretty much screaming when they woke up. Allie was just lying in her crib with a look that said "What do I need to do to get some sleep in this house!?" The grumpy and tired girls spent the first 45 minutes or so after nap looking like this:
While they watched this guy:
I was shocked that I could get them to watch something besides Cailou(sp?) or Barney!
Pumpkins and Playing the Drums.
Allie was the one who underestimated the size of that pumpkin!
My Aunt.
Because my Aunt Winkie never married nor have children, my twelve siblings and I were her famliy. In many ways Winkie was a typical Boston-born Irish Catholic woman who loved to socialize, sing, laugh and joke around. She also used to make batches of home-made Hires root beer at least once a year which tasted awesome!
I'll just keep this post short and simple. We love you Winkie - you will be sorely missed. Tell my dad, my daughter Abbey and Julie I will see them again.
My day with the girls, right up until bedtime, went smooth. Too smooth. It was just too good to be true.
In the morning we had breakfast,the girls palyed together, they watched some of their TV programs - all was good. The sun was shining brightly, but it was not forecasted to be warm, so I stepped outside to check the temperature and decided the temperature was nice enough to bring the girls out to play in the yard. It was a bit cool, but the girls had fun for about an hour with the "big girl" slide, play garden tools, their swing and all their other toys.
After lunch, the girls went down fairly quietly for their 2+ hour nap, which they had not done for Sarah or me for a couple of weeks.
The hour and a half between nap and dinner was spent outside playing in the driveway, without incident. I was now three quarters through an almost perfect day with my girls.
Peapod then arrives with our groceries. (I should note that we use Peapod infrequently -about once every two to three months.) The grocery order included Ellio's Pizza, which the girls love. Ellio's pizza for dinner! All was well with Allie, Anna and Em!
A short time later the girls become ecstatic about mommy's arrival home.
Next order of business is (1)clean up, (2)put the girls to bed, (3)have our dinner and (4) go to bed. The prefect day would then be complete. Somewhere between (2) and (3) perfection becomes imperfection. The order of events between 7:45pm and 11:00pm are somewhat fuzzy but included Sarah sitting on the floor next to the girls' cribs. It also included Rich and Sarah. And then Rich. And then Sarah and Rich again. In between we each managed to scoff down some dinner.
Emily has needed a great deal of Sarah at night - both at bedtime and the middle of the night. Many a night the past 2-3 weeks Sarah and Em have slept on sofa cushions on the living room floor. That sleeping arrangement, as you can imagine, is not comfortable at all, especially for Sarah. Monday night was no exception with Emily at bedtime, but she did end up being the first to fall asleep. ALLIE WOULD JUST NOT FALL ASLEEP. We tried everything before putting her in the bed with us at about 11:00.
Somewhere around 2:00 am, on cue, Emily woke up crying. Downstairs with Emily Sarah went to sleep on the sofa cushions.
To cap off the "perfect" day, Anna woke up crying sometime around 5:00 (if my memory serves me correct). When I came downstairs later, I discovered that Sarah had pulled Anna out of her crib to join her & Em on the sofa cushions for the remainder of the morning.
The 24 hours of imperfection ended sometime before 7:00 am with the arrival of Grammy and our departure to work about a half an hour later .
Things have gotten S L O W L Y better as the week has progressed, but I think we have a way to go. Actually, don't tell anyone, but Sarah & I are making plans so that each of the girls has their own room! Stay tuned....
Important to some.
I don't remember when exactly my priorities changed - but they did. I, for the most part, go to bed if I am tired. I do not stay up late to see who wins the game. Sarah will not wake up at midnight to discover I am downstairs awaiting the final out of a baseball game or for the final tick of the clock of a Patriots game.
Don't get me wrong - I've had my share of late nights watching professional sports. Yes, I've seen MANY of the Celtics, Red Sox and Patriots celebrations over the years. I've lived my entire life in the Boston area and have my share of stories. Whether the story is about sitting a few rows in front of Danny Ainge and Dennis Johnson at a concert or a story standing in line for hours to get Larry Bird's autograph. I have great memories of watching Celtics games with my dad (God rest his soul) and my brothers. I saw the Celtics play at the old Boston Garden - I saw The Chief, Kevin McHale, LB & company at their best. I am a sports fan, but something has changed.
It kind of irritates me now when I am at a party, wedding, or some other social event and guests "sneak away" to catch the score of the game or to watch a game. Give me a break. I've heard it said it's "passion for the game". I don't get it. I consider myself somewhat passionate about running but you won't see me change into running shorts and my Saucony shoes to get a run in during a Christmas party. P L E A S E.
Some may say I am an old fart. I think I've just gotten better at choosing what is meaningful in life.
With all that said, GO SOX!
Yes, I do run.
Left to right - Allie, Emily and Anna.
How 'bout those legs?
You may notice the white armband on my right arm - it reads Abbey. My mother in-law Sheila sewed it for me to wear - I wear it whenever I run outside.
The only thing I don't like about these pictures is that Anna's eye is swollen from the mosquito incident.
The girls' total weight is about over 65 lbs now. Their increase in weight, combined with my increase in age has contributed to a slower pace as of late!
Our Five Year Wedding Anniversary.

Our life then was a balanced mix of time with family, friends, and each other. We worked, we traveled, and we talked about what our future might look like. The only major stressor for us at the time was the renovating of our home - a Colonial/Victorian house built in the lat 1800's. We both wanted to be parents, but neither of us had a definitive time plan on when that would happen. We were, pretty much, typical newlyweds.
Fast forward - 2009:

Video: Two years ago.
Videos continue to be my post of choice - Sarah takes enough pictures for the two of us!
This is a brief video of the girls before they were able to crawl. I just want to mention that everyone used to comment that our girls looked like dolls when they were babies and I never really saw them that way. But, looking back, I know what they meant!
Our "dolls", from left to right: Anna, Emily and Alicenne. Enjoy.
Our weekend, abridged version and video clips from the zoo.
This weekend went by in a blink of an eye, but for us, it contained a whole bunch of everything.
Sarah and I had two nights of not good sleep. Again. Oh well. Allie has not been a happy camper at all with molars coming in. Em has been Em at night - waking up crying and/or whining at odd hours.
I may be getting a cold - runny nose and sneezing a lot. Both Sarah and I have sore backs - the product of being the parents of two year old triplets. Not good.
The fun part of the weekend was FREE ice cream at a local ice cream chain on Saturday and it wasn't chaos. We were actually able to get three high chairs, sit and enjoy an ice cream! The bonus was the girls were VERY well behaved.
Fun, Part II was the beach today. Sarah took a boat-load of photos which I am sure you will see on her blog this week. The weather was near perfect today and the girls had a blast! It was our third beach trip and so far, each trip seems to go better than the previous. Sarah and I are absolutely exhausted. I don't see how the girls won't sleep well tonight.
The video clip is from our day at the zoo a few weeks ago. Nothing too exciting about the video, just a chance to see my cuties in action!
Soft as a marshmallow.
Yes, the weekend did contain a family wedding, but must I become teary-eyed at every opportunity for emotion?
Sarah and I traveled out of state to attend my niece's wedding on Sunday. Circumstances are not such that we have the luxury of doing an overnight trip as a couple yet, with or without the girls. So, we took the 2+ hour drive to a nice setting on a beautiful lake. It was nice. It was my niece. But it wasn't my daughter getting married. I love my niece like I love all my family, but I haven't spent a lot of time with her. I don't know her husband very well. I'm in my early forties. I've been to tons of weddings. No need for me to get emotional, right?
"It's time for the bride to dance with her dad..." says the DJ. brother Ed, about 4 years my senior, escorts my niece onto the dance floor for the traditional father-daughter dance. I think it was a Rascal Flats song - I cannot recall. I get up from the table as I feel I don't want to miss seeing these few minutes of time. I am a marshmallow. I watch my older brother dance with his only daughter and I began to get teary-eyed.
Of my other 20+ nephews and nieces, I had seen four of them get married before my niece, but this is the first time one of my brothers gave away his daughter. That must have been it. My brothers and I are getting older. I will be taking the place of my brother Ed before I know it, right? That's why I was so emotional. I am not a marshmallow, just a sensitive guy.
Video: Quack Quack On The Piano
So I purchased the CD. The first song on the dISC is Six Little Ducks - a song I either had never heard before, or do not remember from my childhood. The latter is most likely true. Upon hearing the song, Sarah's mom informed me that Sarah had actually sung it in a pre-school recital.
While watching this video, you may be able to decipher QUACK QUACK coming out of the girls mouths. Em is in pigtails, Allie in the Tax Deduction onsie and Anna is in a diaper only. Anna's crazy hair helps make the video even funnier! I should also mention that since we purchased the disc, almost every night at bedtime, Allie has been saying "...I WANT QUACK QUACK MUSIC..!"
So...without further delay, I introduce my girls "performing" Six Little Ducks on Sarah's piano.
Picture from a year ago.
That's all for tonight. This week has been particularly draining for Sarah & me so I have not the energy nor brain cells for anything more.
Good night.
Sweet as Cinnamon French Toast.
The girls were up a little early, which meant that they were sitting in their chairs having Aunt Jemimah Cinnamon French Toast Sticks for breakfast when it was time for Sarah & I to leave for work. If they are awake, Sarah and I will say our good-byes with a kiss and a "...going to work for the man..." or "...gotta catch the train...".
Emily was first in the line-up so I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the forehead - she kicked her legs in excitement and smiled that "Emily" smile. Then it was bye-bye to Allie, who decided to offer a hug to daddy. Thank you Allie. As I moved on to Anna, Allie said something to me which I couldn't quite understand. No time to ask Allie what she meant - back to Anna. Another beaming smile from a happy Anna. Bye -bye girls.
Sarah & I jump in to the car to begin our commute... To the train station. park the car. get on the train. get off the train. walk to the office and...on with my work day.
At some point, hours after leaving the house, I'm sitting at my desk and notice something kind of crumbly on my shoulder which I brush off, thinking it kind of odd, but no biggie.
This day is a great day for a run and my employer provides a workout room on my floor which includes two separate private showers - I often take advantage of this perc by either using the treadmill or running outside during my lunch "hour". I decide to go for a run today.
As I am putting my work clothes into the locker, I notice something on my shirt. I investigate and discover the mysterious substance on my shirt to be the cinnamon sugar from the french toast the girls had for breakfast! I guess what Allie was trying to tell me in the morning was that she had put cinnamon sugar on me when she gave me a hug!
I could have cared less that I walked around with food on my shirt all morning. The smile and joy this little episode brought to my day was priceless! Sweet as cinnamon!
Short and Sweet.
I am returning to my undergraduate alma mater in hopes of attaining an MBA. I'll just say that it should be interesting. In the orientation last week, the assistant dean was reading off stats about the class of 166 students. One of which was "...years of experience range is zero to 21 years...". I have 20+ years of work experience, so I guess I am going to be the old-timer of the class!
Like I said, it will be interesting.
The first days.
We are fortunate to have some video clips of the Allie, Anna and Emily's first few days with us. In this video, the girls are about a week old and are visiting Anna at the hospital who had yet to be discharged (after her second surgery). Left to Right - Allie, Anna, and Emily.
It's a Boy!
This evens the playing field for my mom. In addition to her 13 children, she has now had 26 grandchildren - 13 girls and 13 boys!
Are they always this good?
I caught a episode of sisterly love on video a few weeks ago. The girls have a ton of play kitchen stuff, including a favored slotted spoon. Emily had the slotted spoon and Allie wanted it. Enough said.
You'll hear Anna's voice as she watched the scene through the video camera's viewfinder - she loves to watch whenver I am recording!
A long time.
I remember talking to a friend years ago. Tom is his name. Tom had reached a milestone of sorts - I believe it was twenty years. I asked him what twenty years felt like. You have to know Tom is a guy a few years my senior - old enough to be my dad, actually. Tom has also been a man full of wisdom and strong character. Tom looked at me and said " feels like I was shot out of a cannon.."
I knew what Tom meant that day and I still remember today what he meant. I reached a milestone of my own today and I have to say twenty years doesn't feel like a long time. I do, in some ways, feel like Tom felt back then - it feels like I was "shot out a cannon". Twenty years is not such a long time.
Abigail would have been three years, two months and twenty seven days old today. In many ways Abigail's birth was a long time many ways it was like yesterday.
It's been twenty five years since I graduated high school - now that's a LONG time ago.
Today came and went just like most days seem to do lately. That's why I try to live my life ONE DAY AT A TIME.
A look back on bathtime.
This is a video of each of the girls getting a bath back in November 2007. The girls were just about seven months old. It's amazing how much of the girls' personalities showed at 7 months. Enjoy.
What I learned today.
Have you heard that saying? Has anyone ever said that to you? Well, there is both wisdom and truth to that statement.
In no particular order, here are a couple things I learned today:
My niece Julie, who died at the age of 13, could have been buried at Arlington National Cemetery (my brother in-law served our country and Julie was not yet 18 when she passed).
The movie Gone Baby Gone is based on a book.
There are other people, besides Sarah & me, who can speak our angel Abigail's name and not be uncomfortable with it.
Jason Varitek and Normar Garciapara were roomates in college.Jason V. played in the Little League World Series, College World Series and The World Series.
I cannot stay up late at night. I am old.
Fast Cars.
As things are, our girls spend a lot of time in one room in our house. Because of this, and the fact that we have had a mosquito issue in our back yard, Sarah suggested we purchase some age-appropriate ride-on toys for Allie, Anna and Em to play with in our driveway (away from the mosquitos).
During our staycation week, we took a trip to Toys R Us. After some discussion, we came home with three different ride-ons: a Crazy Coop, Toddler Toon Coupe (very similar to Crazy Coop), and the third is called Little Mermaid Ariel Big Wheel. I assembled the Crazy Coupe first, during one of those hot and humid days we had - so much fun. Two days later we had all three ready to roll!
I'll pass on doing a complete review of the three cars, but I will say that we got a good value on the purchases. After redeeming some TRS credit card dollars, the total purchase was about $125. The only other thing worth mentioning is that the Ariel big wheel blows bubbles and it also plays music and makes sounds which are LOUD (and there is no volume adjustment).
What ever happened to just a plain Big Wheel - are those still made? I got something called a Cheetah (check out this blog on the cheetah!) as a gift when I was a kid. It was awesome - I could blow away any kid in a Big Wheel!!
Anyway, the girls are not tall enough to pedal Ariel, but the bottom line is they like riding their new toys. On a daily basis one of them says " in dryway!" = "play in driveway"!
Pigs in a Blanket.
Sarah and I are always trying to think of new foods to introduce to our girls. Foods that they will eat. Foods they will like.
Sarah had heard moms speak about how their kids loved pigs in a blanket (basically little hot dogs wrapped in Pillsbury Crescent Rolls). Sounded great. "Our kids will love these" we thought. So, a couple of weeks ago Sarah made them for the girls. Here is a video clip of the event. Emily on far right, Allie and then Anna on left:
I think Emily enjoyed her dippy more then the piggies. Allie tried the piggies, but they were not a huge hit with her either. Anna, as can imagine, liked them! We'll try them another time.
The garden.
The week that was Anna.
The start of the vacation week was the Falmouth Road Race - I was running to support my daughter Anna and others with Spina Bifida. Sarah, Anna, Allie, Emily, my mother, two of my sisters and one of my cousins were at mile 5. I was able to stop and say hello to my girls and Sarah was able to get a photo of me giving Anna a smooch (see August 11 post). Emotional moment.
Later in the week Anna was the recipient of a few timeouts (imposed by daddy) for throwing a plate of food and disobeying several directives to stay in her room.
The latter part of our vacation week included a trip back to the Cape for a day at the beach. All the girls had a blast, but I was especially surprised and impressed with Anna. She loved the ocean - she would get blasted by water, then laugh, cough out any water she swallowed and then want more of the ocean! I was able to hold her, swing her around, dunk her up to her waist and just have fun. A memory to last a lifetime. Sarah's mom was able to capture that moment of us:
Before the mosquitos.
I was reviewing some video of the girls playing in the yard - before the fence and the mosquitos. There is nothing special or super-exciting about the video clip. I just find it amazing to see how much the girls have developed since the video was shot about 4 months ago.
P.S. - My comment "good job Anna" was for Anna standing up to her sisters who, can sometimes take advantage of Anna's passiveness!
Just thinking.
- I'm not going to do a part two of my last post The Second Sunday In August.
- I heard the Patriots are playing tonight - news to me.
- Is Kevin Youk's charging of the mound going to have the same end result for the Red Sox as Jason Varitek's tackling episode did in '04?
- Sarah and I really do have our hands full.
- I am a lucky man.
- What is it like to be an identical triplet?
- My new saying to Sarah is we are doing the best we can.
- I am extremely tired.
- Will my life ever be "normal" again?
- We have received a ***tload of rain this year.
- There has been an equal amount of mosquitos this year.
- Why can't anyone tell us what the odds of having identical triplets really is?
- I know why so many strangers tell Sarah & I that our daughters are adorable:
The Second Sunday of August.
This year I ran for the third time as a father to triplets and it was my first year running for the Spina Bifida Association (I had run previously to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation). In addition, I was running on the least amount of sleep I had ever had before a race as our girls woke up screaming at 4:00 a.m. More details on our wonderful Sunday morning are forthcoming in Sarah's blog.
Anna,the second oldest of my daughters has spina bifida - my reason for running Falmouth for SBAMass. Here's a pic of me giving her a smooch just before mile 5:
I am exhausted (what else is new) and need to continue this post tomorrow.
Good night.
Simple fun.
Allie, Anna, Em & I had fun hanging out. They played with their water table, which they absoulelty LOVE and I enjoyed a cup of coffee while keeping an eye on them. It was a pleasant change from Friday when I was trying to survive at the office.
Like I said, the girls played well, laughed a lot, and said some very surprising and funny things! I captured a moment with my phone camera. The quality of the photo isn't great, but I think my girls' smiles make the picture a keeper!

All was good (I think) until 3:00 this morning. Screaming. Sarah goes into the girls' room to assess and put out the fire. Doesn't happen. 45 minutes pass - they are all still awake. Sarah returns to bed. We wait it out to see if they fall asleep. No go.
Fast forward to now (6:15 am). Anna and Allie have been downstairs with me since about 5:15. I don't think either of them have closed their eyes much after 3:30 am. I know I haven't. The good news is that Em is sleeping in her crib and Sarah is locked in the bedroom "napping" before we begin our commute to work.
I have a meeting first thing this morning which I need to prepare for when I get to the office - not a Friday to look forward to. We are on vacation next week. I guess that is something to look forward to because it seems all else has been disastrous lately.
Could it be?
It is 9:15 and ALL the girls have been asleep for at least 15 minutes.
Allie was the last to go down after about a half hour of whining/crying. Poor Allie has had a tough couple of weeks, which you probably know from Sarah's blog. Last night was better, but still difficult. Allie ended up falling asleep next to me in the rocker. That's right, she was propped up, but cuddled, next to me in the chair when she finally dozed off at about 9:30. It was then on to Anna, who had been watching "the show" ie watching me and Allie the whole time and would periodically stand up and say "wheah Allie!?". I would respond with a firm, yet quiet "she is right here SLEEPING". Anyway, I picked up Allie (dead weight) and placed her in her crib to a little whimper. Allie was out. I spent the next half hour with Anna until she dozed off. 10:00ish I left the girls' room after being in there for almost an hour and a half.
They slept most of the night after that until Sarah and I were awoken at 4:00 am (Allie) and again at about 5:15 am (Emily). Sarah saved us in both instances without any major casualties.
We are exhausted and I am running the Falmouth Road Race ( on Sunday. I am tempted, as I was last year, to put a sign on me that says "I have two-year-old triplets, what's YOUR excuse?" I'll do a post next week about Sunday's race, which has special meaning to me, for a variety of reasons. Here's the girls hanging out at the race last year waiting for me and the 9,ooo other runners:


The quick route.
So...I am taking the easy route tonight and posting a video clip.
The clip is from two weeks ago when we introduced a sprinkler to the girls for the first time. The girls had more fun with it when the water was shut off!
Lucky Man.
I have to give a little background by saying it has been an emotional couple of weeks for Sarah & I. Sleep deprivation, long hours for Sarah at work, three teething toddlers, combined with some of the everyday stresses has put us both on the edge mentally and emotionally.
Anyway, we took the girls for dinner last night to The Outback, and similar to my grocery shoppingexcursion with the girls, dinner went VERY well. I will let Sarah tell the story, I just wanted to comment on a tiny piece of the evening.
While we were waiting to settle the bill (and for Anna to finish eating -what else is new), I was admiring my beautiful girls' smile and turn heads. I was feeling grateful for what I had in my life, but also, at the same time, sad for what I did not have - Abbey. It was a weird mix of emotion which I cannot put into words. Other patrons who were seated near us were paying their bills and going home - many stopping to say hello to the girls, make comments, or to simply smile.
An older gentlemen, walking with a cane, who was probably born a few years after my dad, stopped at the table to say hello. Before I continue, I must tell you that I believe older generations have a whole lot of wisdom to share. The gentleman looked me in the eye when he spoke to me. He smiled a smile that told me he had lived a fruitful life filled with all that life has to offer. With humility and pride, he briefly told me about his family. The entire time he was leaning over the table talking, the girls were looking at him - Em was kicking her legs as she does when she is excited, Allie dipping her fingers in ketchup and shyly turning her head away - Anna was being Anna with that "not a care in the world" smile.
Before the gentleman turned his back to join his wife of many years, he turned to me one more time. He then looked me in the eye and said "you are a lucky man". I knew exactly what he meant when he said that to me.
We had barely made it out of the parking lot before Sarah & I were in tears. That is because only Sarah & I know how this feels.
Maybe I am a lucky man.
A First.
If you follow Sarah's blog (, you know the last couple of weeks have not been too good in terms of sleep for the girls. So, this morning, when Sarah went back to get some additional sleep, I told her I may take the girls grocery shopping. Her reply, after giving one of those "why" looks, was "how"? "How" and "why" are questions Sarah & I ask each other quite often when it comes to things related to our girls.
The answer for how to bring two year-old triplets grocery shopping by youself is to find one of those shopping carts with a two-driver car attached to the front. Two in the front and the third sits in the shopping cart seat. The answer to "why" is that I wanted to help everyone keep thier sanity this morning. It would give Sarah a chance to get some shut-eye, give me the chance to get out and it would also help the girls by getting them out as well, especially given the teething situation.
Things could not have worked out better. For those non-mutliple parents, the trick to doing grocery shopping with triplets is to locate the shopping cart with the car in the parking lot so you do not have to concern yourself with trecking three little ones across a busy parking lot. I eyed one as I pulled in - it was sitting nicely in one of those cart corrals. Bingo! Next step, after loading them in the cart, is to give them a donut - check! The bonus would have been if I could have carried my coffee with me, but that was just not logistically possible.
With the exception of some semi-rough play between the drivers (Allie & Em), the girls were well behaved. They were actually singing Barney's "I love you" song at one point.
All in all in was quite a successful first.
Long story short is that I saw 2:15, 3:15, 4:15 and 5:30 on the clock. I got some sleep in between, but not much. 5:30 am = sun rise = Emily wakes up. (She ended up in bed with me sometime during our middle-of -the night fun.) Efforts to get Em to go back to sleep were futile so downstairs we went before 6:00 am to hang out, play and watch a little Barney. We actually ended up having some QT together, even though we were both exhausted.
It is 9:45 pm now and Allie finally went down about 1/2 hour ago. She is not having a good time - I think it may be molars? I just don't know. I mentioned to Sarah tonight maybe we need to get The Nanny over here. Are we doing something wrong or is it just teething? The girls just DO NOT go down easy.
I am going to have myself an ice cream treat and call it a day. Let's hope for a more restful night tonight.