I often find myself coming to the end of any given day without having taken much more than a moment or two of time for myself if any at all. The hours and minutes just seem to slip away it is after all quite easy to get lost in the rush of day to day life.
There is always something that I could be doing, however I’ve realized that I should perhaps question the NEED to do everything as soon as it occurs to me. I need to step back and tell myself that it really doesn’t matter if the laundry is put away this instant or that there really isn’t THAT much dog fur floating around the hardwood.
Ok maybe there is that much dog fur floating around but it’s not going anywhere and it can wait. If letting it sit gives me the opportunity to have a candlelight bubble-bath or hell even just enough time to shave my legs I should do that instead. It isn’t after-all about the sasquatch-esk look my legs tend to develop during the winter when I don’t often bother that matters it is what taking those moments does for my mental well-being.
Having been mostly stuck inside this week thanks to the bitterly cold weather I really became aware of how little I’ve done for myself in a really long time. What brought it to my attention is that I don’t sit idle very well and because of how organized I actually am that I‘ve been running out of things to do, even the things that don’t really need doing.
I’ve been finding myself looking for something to do when instead I should have been relishing that essentially free time and doing something for myself. I organized my junk drawer for goodness sake. I mean really it’s A JUNK DRAWER; it really does not need to be organized at all let alone be of more importance than sitting my ass down for ten minutes and doing something like paint my nails.
I finally came to the realization or idea that I should do something for myself when cleaning out the junk drawer as I found a gift card amongst the junk. That gift card is for an hour massage at my favorite spa which I have had since June and still not made the time to redeem.
There’s the point right there, that I haven’t made the time and that it is up to me to make that time. No matter how busy I am or how many other things I could be doing making the time for myself shouldn’t be last on the list. I will only “find the time” to do for myself if just I take it.