Teeny Tiny Babies

With me being home and our daughters' birthday in a few days, I have been reflecting quite a bit on Sarah's pregnancy, their birth and the 5 years since....

This video captures one of the MANY special moments for us a family. After the girls were born, Anna spent about two weeks in the NICU before coming home to be with Allie and Emily (who had been home for over a week). But, before Anna was discharged, we took Allie (left) and Em (right) in to see Anna (middle):

Cute and Funny Things the Girls Say: Allie to me in the morning: Daddy, you don't smell handsome in the morning. You should take a shower. You always smell handsome when you take a shower.

Workout Log: About 2.5 miles mid-morning on the treadmill. Very tough getting started and felt sluggish the entire run so I took it slow before bumping up the pace for the last 1/4 mile.