A Nickel, Dime and a Penny

I just wanted to first say that if you like to see the girls in action via videos posted here, they will continue (at some point).  I am fairly certain my FLIP video camera is dead.  This is somewhat of a bummer because shooting, editing and posting FLIP video clips is simple and fast.  Especially in comparison to my back-up DVD recorder.  I have been shooting videos of the girls but because they are on my Hitachi, which records to mini-DVD discs, the edit and post process is more time consuming.

Well, I am glad there are still two days left to this weekend. The girls' shots they received on Thursday are still showing their affect with Emily missing out on a birthday party today because she spent the morning vomiting.  Huge bummer.  Everyone in the family was bummed because she couldn't return with her sisters to the "bouncy" place for a birthday party.

Sarah stayed home to care for Emily and I took Allie & Anna to the party.

The party was fairly uneventful.  I was telling Sarah, however, that it was interesting how Allie & Anna didn't jump right into the action at the start of the party.  The highlight (for me anyway) was going down the "big" slide with Anna.  TWICE.  Hey - she insisted.  I just had to.

I texted Sarah while at the party and she informed me Em was doing better.  That was news Sarah & I both needed.

Let's hope for good sleep tonight.  Last night was much better than the previous one.

Running log: Ran my normal @3.2 mile route today in extremely humid conditions.  Despite the heat and humidity, I felt strong and my time reflected that.  Oh...I found another 16 cents on my run.  Sarah & I hope to do a 5K next weekend.