
I am very happy to say I believe I have begun to find the joy in writing again. I’m beginning to feel I was right and the act of writing does become easier with each successive day.  I have even noticed a difference in my writing between Mondays and Fridays. After the weekend and not writing for 2 or 3 days Mondays are much harder to write, it takes me longer to get into the mindset and get going.  By Friday the words seem to flow faster and with greater ease.
I know this is only a few weeks in and my opinions and ideas may change but right now I’m enjoying blogging very much.  When I started out I was worried I wouldn’t be able to think of anything to write about.  I’m finding that the more I write the more ideas I come up with. I may eventually begin to run out of ideas but I don’t think so.
I’ve begun to realize that creativity is like a muscle, the more you use it the bigger and stronger it becomes.  I have started a list of ideas to blog about and it seems to be continually growing. So far I haven’t had to go to that list to get me going when I sit down to start my daily writing. It seems there is always something in my mind waiting and ready to go.
 I have a rather short period of time in which I can sit and write so I really need to apologize for my lack of editing.  I seem to only have enough time for a quick once through and a run of spell check.  I’m not a terrible speller but I seem to have lost a bit of my typing abilities and I often misspell simple words over and over again or have words run together or forget punctuation that leads to a run on sentence. Like the one I just wrote.  
I’m also finding if I go back and reread a post later on in the day I’ll see that I’ve missed a word or that something doesn’t quite make sense.  I’m beginning to realize the importance of editing and how you can look at your own writings differently depending on whether you are actively writing it or reading it once your mind has moved on to other things. I realize I have very little grammatical knowledge but I am trying.  
So, sorry about that.
I found the stats section for my blog the other day and I was surprised to see that I do have a few people who are reading what I write each day. I thought knowing people are reading what I write would make me terribly self-conscious but it hasn’t.  In fact I would very much like to hear from you what you think either through comments or email if you would prefer. Thank you to those who have been reading along.  I look forward to sharing more of my thoughts.