Spring Cleaning is in full effect. I’m tackling the reorganizing and big clean I do a couple of times a year. Hopefully I can get through the kids rooms and actually remove some of the junk and toys they no longer play with. It never fails a toy that hasn’t been played with in between big cleans is suddenly the funnest best toy that I can’t possibly give away.
If I give in to the pleas of “no I’ll play with it” I will find the same situation repeated a few months from now. The toy in question will have been played with the day I threatened to give it away but will have simply collected dust in the back of the closet afterwards.
I usually try to clean out the girls rooms when they aren’t around so I can avoid this scene. Things I have gotten rid of while they aren’t home stay gone and are never even mentioned. I’ve yet to have either of them question me about what happened to a toy that has disappeared this way. It was forgotten by them long before I took it from the house.
My oldest is beginning to get a little cranky about entrance to her room and it is showing in the disorganization that comes with being a pre-teen. I know in the years to come her privacy is going to become more and more important to her and I’m not sure how I will handle the inevitable mess. I am honestly not trying to snoop or invade her privacy I really just want to clean.
There is one toy that I’m hoping to get rid of this time around. It is a ball roller coaster that my youngest received as a birthday gift for her 3rd birthday. It has never been a regularly used toy and takes up a ton of space. It has survived through so many big clean ups simply because it is such a large toy and very easily missed. It has made it to the trash pile several times over but never actually gone. The time for it to go is here and regardless of pleas to the contrary it will find its way to the donations bin, if I can just find a bag big enough to contain all its pieces.