When I last had short hair I recall that my natural curls tended to be a little bit how shall we say Pomeranian-esk and it was completely untamable.
There is absolutely no chance I would ever cut it to the point where a ponytail wouldn't be an option however I have no idea what change would work.
I've had a lifelong love hate relationship with my hair, I hate it others love it. I always have people telling me how they would love to have hair just like mine with some volume and curl. However curl means frizz and on humid days I look like I've stuck my finger in a light socket.
I try to straighten it now and then, usually it takes me about a 1/2 hour unfortunatly it still tends to remain a bit of a frizz ball. Quite often after spending so much time trying to fix my hair it still ends up pulled back or clipped up.
Another unpleasant side effect of straightening my hair is the extra couple of inches in length I get when its straight. Invariably every single time I go to bed with straight hair my husband will at some point roll over it.
It is a rather rude awakening and it not only pulls out a good chunk of hair but pulls my head and neck into some horribly uncomfortable angles. It has brought me to tears more than once and does not feel good.
Imitating Cousin It |
Judging by the amount of hair that gets pulled out whenever he rolls over it I won't have any hair to worry about if I continue straightening it. I'd rather not go with that option however.
Mostly the one big thing that is making me realize it’s time for a change is my remarkable resemblance to cousin It from The Adams Family.
I don't think anyone can pull off that look and its time to figure out something new.