
Judging by appearance it seems the remainder of fall has been skipped over and we’ve gone straight into winter.  A strong northern wind is blowing hard, clumps of snow cover the ground and the temperature has plummeted.
Last week we were still wearing shorts, most of September had been quite cool but for the last week or so we returned to, while not quite summer heat, fairly hot days.  Then in true prairie’s fashion as if a switch had been flipped the wind reared up and the snow began to fall.
I’m used to the sudden switch into winter but even for Manitoba this is a little on the early side.  I don’t doubt that it may again flip and we will return to warmer weather but I could have done without the winter pre-view.  
The yard has not yet been winterized and it is not fun to do when fingers freeze. Halloween is just around the corner and with it all the fun annual events that really are not much fun when winter days come early. 
Snow on Halloween is usually the earliest we get this type of weather and although I do enjoy a white Christmas I could do without a white Thanksgiving.