Friday Repeat

Every single Friday I can’t seem to get a post out at a decent time.  The biggest issue with Friday is that my brain simply won’t turn on. By Friday any energy reserves I managed to build up the weekend prior are gone and I can’t help but really struggle to get going. I’m always tired but Friday reaches a whole other level of exhaustion.  
It is something that has been on my mind for quite some time, this tiredness and it was in fact one of the many reasons I initially decided to start blogging.  I had at that time begun to worry that being tired all the time was a predecessor of depression. I thought that having something to do that was just for me would help if it was.
I’m not depressed and yes I’m sure of that now but I know that at the time it was an idea floating around.  Well regardless of why I started blogging (which I’m very glad I did) posting late goes against every one of my sensibilities.  If I am one thing it is organized.
As for the fact that I’m so tired and have been for so long I have finally decided to do something about it and have talked to my doctor and gotten the ball rolling on figuring it out.  He thinks he had a good idea of what is wrong and I should find out for sure in a couple of weeks.  
Until then I’m going to admit that blogging is not my priority but whether I disapear for awhile or post late I’ll be around.