Picture Day - Disneyland Past

Two "projects" have come together this week.  One my continued scanning of pictures from my childhood and secondly my own kids trip to Disney World.  While still unaware of that trip sharing pictures from this trip has been one of many little things my husband and I have been subtly bringing up knowing perfectly well that it is making our kids oh so desperate to go.  We've been "flaming the fire" so to speak so that the day we tell them the day will hold as much excitement and anticipation as possible.

Each of these little hints have been given in such a way that it hasn't made them suspicious in the least. They've been small hints after all and always related to actual going ons in our house.  Individually they don't mean much but I'm sure when they've found out they will look back on all these little hints with dawning recognition.

Now onto the pictures of the week, my first and only Disney trip to Disneyland with my family and Aunt.  

Despite having few memories the overall feeling I get when I think back to this trip is happiness and I know I had fun.  From all the pictures it's clear that we really did love each and every minute of it.   Fingers crossed that this years Disney trip results in just as much joy.