The closest to scrapbooking I’ve ever come has been the girls’ baby books. I’ve put together photo albums certainly and from time to time added little bits of memorabilia to those albums but never have I done a traditional scrapbook.
With a trip to the most magical place on Earth and having happened across a beautiful scrapbook I thought I’d give it a try. Unfortunately by the time I saw the lovely book I wanted we had really spent quite enough on souvenirs and had no room left to pack it if I bought it. Naively I was thinking some abstract thoughts about ordering it online or picking it up at the Disney store in Minneapolis eventually and we left it behind.
Well as it turns out I should have figured out a way to stuff it in a bag. We have no plans to head off to Minneapolis until the spring time at the earliest so unless I want to put it off and start forgetting things before doing this scrapbook option A was out. So onto online purchasing….well once again shipping costs heading north of the US border make online purchasing a royal pain in the behind.
So what to do? Well we had another option as we knew of several people heading to Orlando in the next few weeks and so to save on shipping costs we asked if they found themselves near that particular Disney store to grab it for us if they could. The first wasn’t able to but the second group we knew picked it up for us and I was very excited to get started.
I printed off all the pictures I want to use and gathered all the materials that I want to make part of the book. Sunday afternoon I got the book from them and despite pictures and dimensions being sent it’s, you guessed it, the wrong one! Right design wrong book, album rather than scrapbook.
Of course I didn’t tell them that, I just graciously paid for the book they brought us, thanked them for looking for me and sucked it up. I am thankful after all that they put in the effort to do me a favour and I can’t fault them for grabbing the wrong one. The two books are identical in everything but size and I know they thought they had the right one.
Inside however there was a little girl whose new balloon had just been popped and was in the process of throwing quite the un-ladylike tantrum. I’m much too far up the path to stop the project now. I’ve purchased materials and started arranging pages which will only fit in a full size scrapbook and I’ve put in a lot of effort to get that book home to me. I've invested myself in the project and so I'll follow through.
Unfotunately it's now going to cost me much more thanks to paying for the wrong book and those terrible shipping fees never mind the extra time and effort. Lesson learnt. If you find something thousands of kilometers from home that you really want don’t let little things like how much room is left in your bag stop you from buying it. I’m sure if had really tried I could have found a way to stuff it in.