Jiminy Cricket!

Thanks you Disney for the full dozen previews on the DVD I just put in the player.  Just to point out the obvious there is a reason DVD remotes come with a skip feature or main menu button.  Sometimes, and I know this must be hard to understand, people don’t want to watch the previews.
I’m must be grateful though that you reminded me of all the great movies that you were releasing or promoting 5 years ago.  You know all the ones which are now either back in your damn vault or long ago relegated to the discount bin at my local Zellers.
Guess what Disney forcing me to agonizingly fast forward through each of these previews in absolutely no way makes me want to go out and buy another of your movies, even if they were still available.
Having seen “this operation is not available at this time”  for the tenth or eleventh time I was quite prepared to chuck the entire DVD player out the window along with any and all DVDs which have the lovely feature of un-skip-able previews.   
Oh and the 2 anti-piracy message displayed for 30 seconds each in English and in French, yeah your telling the wrong person because guess what I bought the movie and all your message is doing is encouraging me to never do that again.  
Maybe then I could watch my damn movie.