Light Bulbs

Have you ever had a problem, big or small that seems as if it has no solution?  After thinking on it for some time you come to a decision or plan of attack for said problem and then file it away.  But wait…..hours later a light bulb suddenly appears, an obvious and perfect solution to the issue at hand.
Where did that sudden moment of realization come from though?  It seems that things which are at “the back of our mind” are still in some ways being actively considered by our subconscious.  Once our subconscious mind hits upon the right idea or thought it suddenly pushes that solution bright as day to the front of your brain.
It’s a curious phenomenon and something I think we see the results of most clearly when we forget a name or place.  It’s only once we give up and no longer actively think about what it is we’ve forgotten that the answer appears. That name/place/item that suddenly comes to mind can’t have simply appeared, it can only be explained by our subconscious minds continuing in the background.
It would seem our subconscious minds have a lot more tricks up their sleeve than I think most of us realize.