The Egg Hunt

Perhaps it was the chocolate egg induced sugar high, the second glass of wine I’d had or the hour in which I began to set up the egg hunt but I found myself in a bit of a giggly state Easter morning. I say Easter morning as being past midnight technically it was morning.  Whatever the reason it seemed I was experiencing a few technical difficulties with setting things up.
Being rather rounded the eggs, as should be somewhat expected, were rolling away.  BANG each and every egg which found its way out of my grasp or was not quite balanced upon its perch was crashing to the floor.
The sound of a solid chocolate egg hitting the hardwood floor at 12:30 in the morning is incredibly loud.  With each successive bang I found myself freezing in my tracks my head cocked towards the bedrooms listening for the telltale signs of a stirring child. 
I found myself unable to remove a mischievous grin which had plastered itself to my face as I fought to suppress the sudden urge to giggle. My husband’s whispered admonishments to be careful simply made the fight to keep said giggles from escaping past my tightly sealed lips that much harder.  
The scenario of having one or both girl’s catch me “in the act” as it were had me playing out the scenario of what to do should such a thing happen. The only logical course of action I could think of would be to toss whatever was still grasped in my hand, take a dive and subsequently curse out some lousy rabbit for tripping me on my way to use the bathroom.
At 12:30 in the morning with half the lights on while still fully dressed.  The plan definitely had its flaws.  Despite those flaws I would have valiantly thrown myself upon my sword in an attempt to keep the magic of the Easter bunny alive had such a scenario actually come up.
The Easter bunny is no longer a mystery to my oldest, she has in no uncertain terms let me know she knows that I am Easter bunny, tooth fairy, and Santa all rolled into one.  Yet some small mystery remains as she isn’t quite sure how I do it. Logically she KNOWS and yet something about it still seems to be a little bit magical.
Eventually I managed to balance an egg in each and every little nook and cranny imaginable without waking anyone up. The intoxicating scent of sugar filled treats filled the air and the bunnies bravely stood at attention awaiting mornings first light and the inevitable loss of their ears. So for one more year the magic of the egg hunt survives.