Digging a Well

We each have our own unique strengths, weaknesses and personalities.  What determines those very elemental things about us is hard to pinpoint.  Genetics, parenting, environment, life-style choices we’ve made, accidents which happen in our lives and simple twists of fate amongst the many contributing factors.
I like to think that we are each capable of whatever anyone else does and that if so determined we really can do anything.  We may not of course be inclined to pursue the same goals as others but it doesn’t mean that we couldn’t do these things if we so wanted.
It is how I think of creativity.  I believe inside each and every one of us there is a well of creativity.  It is up to us whether we pursue it or not.  Some would rather bury that well and excel in other areas while others continually dig at that well making it ever wider and deeper.
Creativity can be hard, I’ve struggled recently with many aspects of my creativity but in my heart feel that I have simply hit a rocky patch. The digging may have become more difficult but if I choose to persevere sooner or later I’m bound to hit water.  
I simply need to find the chink in the rock that bars my way and perhaps switch the shovel for a pickaxe.