Lost A Marble

Planning a vacation is something which I both love and hate doing and something I’ve started doing over the last week or so.  See I love the anticipation, the search for good deals the planning it out step by step.  While on the other hand I hate the anticipation, the search for good deals, the planning it out step by step….…….
At this point my mind is so full of numbers and ideas and plans that aren’t put together that I feel like I’ve a few screws loose.  You know mad as a hatter, an olive short of a pizza, four quarters short of a dollar, a few fries short of a happy meal, as mad as a monkey on a tricycle. I could go on……never mind you get the idea.
A much anticipated vacation feels like someone handed me a chocolate bar and told me I can’t eat it for a month.   Well that bar would last about 30 seconds before I’d eat it.  A vacation though isn’t really flexible, I can’t just “forget” when I’m supposed to have it and take it early. Patience, in the case of vacations or chocolate, is much more an illusion than a virtue.   
The search for good deals will often simply cause such hesitation and uncertainty that I will miss the best deal while suspecting an even better one just around the corner. What can I say I have commitment issues when it comes to finances, scratch that in all honesty I’m just cheap.  I like looking for great deals; I just don’t like committing to them.
As for the subject of planning, it is something I just do in my day to day life.  While there may be a bit more excitement with vacation planning at the end of it all it is still a chore.  Making the choices of what to do is fun but once the choices are made and it comes down to numbers and itineraries the luster tends to dull a bit.
Love it or hate it vacation planning can drive you a little batty but it’s one of those things in which the reward greatly outweighs the sacrifice.  As for now I’m heading back over to the travel sites, got to find that great deal I know is waiting to be found.