Saturday morning discussions.

Coversations between my (not yet 4 year old) daughters have become quite interesting as of late. They were tallking about marriage (should I be afraid?) this morning when it sort of turned into a Who's on First routine.

Allie: I'm going to marry JJ.

Anna: I'm going to marry T.

Allie: No, Anna. You cannot marry T. T is not in your classroom.

Anna (to Allie): I'm going to marry someone in your class.

Emily (to Anna): You are going to marry someone in your class?

Anna (pointing at Allie): No. I'm going to marry someone in her class.

Allie: No, Anna. You have to marry someone in your own class.

In all seriousness, I am amazed at what they talk about - their imaginations are amazing at this age!