Forgetful Fairy

Whoops tooth fairy forgot to visit.  Or as I told my little one “she must take Sundays off”.  There was only some minor disappointment as she has heard of other incidences of the tooth fairy being rather forgetful when her sister has lost a tooth.  
With E it had become easy to forget tooth fairy duties as it felt like she had been losing teeth forever and it was quite clear she knew exactly who the tooth fairy was. She knew just who to blame if the tooth remained under her pillow in the am. After hearing “someone forgot about my tooth last night” with eyebrows raised and that sarcastic lilt to “someone” it kind of tipped me off. She lost the last one a few months ago and I actually contemplated just handing her a toonie in exchange for the tooth.
It seemed the safer option as I always seem to find a toy or object by smashing my foot directly into it when attempting to be stealthy. The result of which is to end up doubled over trying desperately not to start yelling obscenities into the darkness.  It seems the quieter I try to be the louder I actually am.
I don’t really see the need to make a big production out of it.  I know of a few parents who give what I consider obscene amounts and go as far as to create elaborate setups to prove the tooth fairy has come but I’ve never made a huge deal of losing teeth after all it’s a part of life and growing up.
I’ve cheered for them when they lose a tooth, they have a special tooth pillow but I’ve never given more than a toonie and have always felt that was doing enough.  And to be quite honest the special tooth pillow has a hidden agenda. It keeps me from having to try and get a teeny tiny tooth from under their sleeping heads.  For some reason I would always find it under the very last bit of pillow I'd reach. It should come in quite valuable for A as she is a very light sleeper.   
I’ve already dug through the change jar in search of a toonie to replace her tooth with tonight. I managed to come up with a loonie and 4 quarters so she’ll be even more excited by that.  I still haven’t quite got it through to her that 5 pieces of change don’t always equal 5 dollars.