Gotta Go

We have a trampoline, the kids love it and honestly I do as well but I rarely ever use it.  It’s apparently a really good form of exercise and I always have fun on it when I do climb up but I always have a wee little problem, wee being the operative word.

Put me on a trampoline and suddenly I have to pee, immediately if not sooner. After 2 kids bladder control ain’t what it used to be. Now I’m not in need of adult diapers I’ve just had to learn to be a little cautious when doing anything like bouncing on the trampoline, or sneezing.

When I was younger the thought never occurred to me that considering where the nearest washroom is would be of any importance, yet it most definitely is.  If at any time I’m near a bathroom or about to go out I go whether I need to or not, just in case.

Our road trip to Minneapolis recently is what really got me thinking about this.  As we prepared to set off in the morning despite the early hour and fuzzy brain I did not have my morning coffee. When my husband asked if I wanted to stop at the duty free shop on the way out I said sure not because I wanted to buy anything but because I knew the next stop wasn’t until Fargo 2 hrs away.  

It’s a little sad to realize I now plan out what and how much I can have to drink based on how long it is between washrooms. I’ve had to cut out all caffeine past about 7 or I’ll be up constantly during the night.  If I go to an event the first place I check is where the nearest bathroom is. Passing a bathroom I will veer off just so I’m not caught far from it later on.

Darn kids, that’s when it started when one after the other they both decided the most comfy place in utero was wedged firmly against my bladder. When sneezing or even a hearty chuckle first became reason for concern. It's certainly not as bad as when I was say 8 months pregnant but still not quite the same.  

When I was expecting A I was forced to abandon my husband while we were grocery shopping as a particularly violent sneeze was a cause for an emergency run for home and a change of pants. No real damage except to my dignity and a few extra treats in the cart by the time I got back to the store. It was the first time I began to look forward to no longer being pregnant.  Unfortunately as it turns out some things never quite go back to the way they were before.  

And now I've got to go again, sigh.