Scooters, a hand-block and birds flying south

Remember I am a stay-at-home dad now part-time so I am entitled to post about "stay-at-home" topics. ha!

As mentioned in my post a few days ago, I cannot seem to do grocery shopping without spending $100. I took the girls with me to S&S to pick up some groceries after their gymnastics class.  A bit unusual to do shopping before the weekend, but given the not so great weather today I thought it would be good to get it out of the way.

The total was $120.53 net, after a savings of $20.80. And included in the total was @$20 for a large pack of Pull-Ups.  Not too shabby overall.

Today's Video Clip
I was going through some video clips from several weeks ago and came across a few clips of the girls playing outside with the scooters they got for Christmas.  They had been begging to use them.  We couldn't say no.

I love this video clip because it illustrates Anna's hand-block technique (yes Sarah, I get it too!).  And be sure to watch the entire video because I caught Emily doing the cutest thing - check it out: