One More

I opened the pantry just a few minutes ago to grab a cookie. It seems that perhaps I don’t really need another cookie.  
I now recall exactly why I don’t tend to buy packages of cookies very often.  Sitting in my pantry right now are two packages of oh so very yummy cookies, one of which seems to be disappearing at a rather alarming rate. 
The problem of course is that I didn’t make them and therefore they are much better than anything I could have.  I make some good cookies and a few that are great but nothing tastes as sweet as a snack you didn’t have to make yourself.
They sit on the other side of the pantry door calling out to me each and every time I walk by. “One more, won’t hurt” they call out “try us were soft, chewy and sweet”.
I am but a simple servant to the calling of such wondrous temptation, alas one more cookie shall not be a grievance but rather it shall enhance the glorious flavor of life!
Sorry went all Shakespearey for a moment there, must be the sugar high. 
I can thankfully get away with a little indiscretion once in awhile as I have the great gift of a fast metabolism.  Be that as it may, it isn’t quite as fast as it used to be and if I would like to avoid some waist expansion I must avoid this trap of ‘just one more’.
There is no such thing as just one more, unless the package is empty, and it’s not……….yet