Writing Challenge #5

Write an introduction to a story beginning with the first line of a favorite book:
Once, in a kingdom called Delain, there was a King with two sons.  They were a great rarity in the kingdom of Delain for they were twins.  In Delain twins had been thought for many years to be no more than simple legend. 
Although nearly unheard of the birth of twins was considered to be a wondrous blessing which would ensure the kingdom would be prosperous as long as both twins lived. 
Due to the spectacular nature of not only a royal birth but that of twins the kingdom celebrated for a full year plus one day.
It was when the celebrating stopped that people began to realize a very important question had never been answered.  Which twin had been first born, which was to be their future King.
What the people had not been told was that no one knew, their mother Queen May who was a very petite and slender woman had experienced great difficulty with their birth and was unable to recall which child had been born first. 
In those days only a single midwife was present when a woman gave birth and in a terrible turn of events she herself was no more able to say which child had been born first than was their mother. 
In her excitement to inform the king and her kingdom that twins had been born she ran from her mistresses chamber as soon as possible and regrettably slipped in a pan of water she herself had placed near the queens bed. 
She hit her head quite badly and never spoke another word; she became as helpless as the countless babies she had helped to deliver over the years.
So which child would one day become King and how would the kingdom decide?  
It is a tale best told around a warm fire to dispel the chill against the sometimes terrible and sometimes wonderful events which took place between the day of their birth and the day in which one was crowned.
Pull your chair in close and I will tell you the story. 
The first line is from a book called “The Eyes of The Dragon” by Stephen King it is a novel I have read and re-read to tatters.  It’s a simple story in some ways almost a child’s story but it has always captured my imagination and been a favorite for many years.
I had a very hard time only writing a beginning to this story as within a few words an entire story sprang to mind from beginning to end.