
I originally chose the name a written experiment because that’s really what this was. It was an experiment in writing, an experiment to see what if any effect it had on my writing.  I never expected this to become something I enjoy doing or something I would want to continue.  
My only real goal was to see if I could rediscover the joy I get from writing that I thought I had lost and begin to willingly sharing my writing with others.
I realize now I never stopped enjoying writing and I very quickly began to actively share my daily ramblings with family and friends as well as whoever happened to stumble upon it.
I’m finding benefits to blogging and randomness, however I now want to try and get more from it, find new challenges and organize it a little better.  
I am going to step out of what has become a comfortable rambling on things and experiences around me and try out something new.  I’m going to break the week into separate days with separate goals
Each Tuesday will be a writing challenge found randomly from other blogs and writing websites, Wednesday will be about something happening in or around Winnipeg, Thursday will remain as picture day and Monday/Friday will remain random ramblings.
So far I have a pretty varied list of challenges to try out but If anyone has any suggestions for Challenge Tuesdays  they would like to see me try let me know and I promise to at least give it a shot.