Writing Challenge #2

Write the beginning of a story using the starting line: You thought dragons didn’t exist

You thought dragons didn’t exist, but I have proof and every year for 4 weeks in the summer my sister and I live with one.  She has long red claws, smoky breath, evil green eyes and a downright nasty disposition.  I’m speaking of course about my great Aunt Myra, although I can’t imagine what’s so great about her.

I will never understand how my normally loving and kind parents think that sending us to stay in this smoky and dark cavern of evil is a good idea. My Mother has even managed to convince herself that we have fun.

I’ve tried to tell her we don’t but no matter how strongly I object she doesn’t believe me. Ally doesn’t think Aunt Myra is a dragon either but she’s just a girl and besides I know better.

I know she's a dragon because of something I saw one night last summer, it was just one week before it was time for us to go home.  My suspicion thatAunt Myra was a dragon in disguise was confirmed, now I KNOW what she is.   

Ally and I had been sent to bed early because Aunt Myra was having guests over but I wasn’t tired and besides I had to see what in the world they could be doing in the garden on such a windy night with a storm on the way.  

As soon as Ally had drifted off I snuck out of bed and made my way across the bedroom we share every summer and down the dark winding staircase.  I crept my way over the cold stone floor of the kitchen to the dark window which faced the garden and slowly pulled myself up to peek over the sill.

I saw………………

This prompt brought to mind the wonderfully imaginative and sometimes suspicious nature of a little boy. I leave it to you to decide if what he saw through the kitchen window was proof his great Aunt Myra really was a dragon or if it was something he misconstrued to fit his theory.