
Last night I got to sit on the couch and read a book while E baked muffins in the kitchen. She is really getting into baking and I know she wants to do it by herself but I have a really hard time not going in to help her. It is hard to change perspective I still feel like I should warn her to be careful the stove is hot.  I get nervous, I can’t help it. 
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that she enjoys baking as she has always liked to help me in the kitchen and she often enjoys doing the same things I do, and I certainly do enjoy baking and cooking.
I've always enjoyed baking the wonderful scent of fresh cookies or pastries is the best smell. Many holidays it isn't until I bake that I get into a holiday mood.  It dosen't seem right until the smell of the corresponding baking is wafting around the kitchen. I grew up helping my mother bake in the kitchen and try to encourage my girls to do the same with me. 
My biggest problem with letting E bake by herself is that she has a hard time finding things or even the recipe to begin with.  I'm organized like crazy for most things but I've never been able to keep my baking implements tidy.  The best I have ever managed is to contain all the baking supplies to the same basic area.  I have a bunch of cookbooks and loose recipes floating around and would love to actually contain them all in one spot.  
I need one of the old fashioned index card recipe boxes but every time I try to buy one I can't find any. I wonder if any of my husbands cigar boxes floating around the garage would work. Hmm now that I think about it I must go find out.